Music festival
From its inception, "Walks in Art" was conceived as a concert cyle promoting various kinds of art and thus bringing the public closer to notable artistic, historical and cultural events and locations. "Walks in Art" blends its concert programmes into a multi-genre framework in which outstanding locations are the inspiration for the music and not the reverse.
Linking the project with exclusive locations allows a preprepared programme to be held in a non-traditional environment which is atractive not only to visitors, but to Czech and foreign performers as well.
The second thread running through the dramaturgy is the presentation of the viola as a most important, if occasionally rather neglected instrument, in
many styles, sometimes widely divergent, up to and including the experimental.
Aim of the project
The aim of the mujsicalcycle "Walks in Art" is above all to provide a stable musical background for the modern culturally-minded European citizen of the 21st century. It features original dramaturgy which challenges the concept of classical music and encourages interest in it through a non-traditional approach to the visual arts togeth4er with outstnding architectural environments. Our goal is to make classical music more widely accessible tjhorugh a concert programme which makes full use of new communications media for pubicity and develops their potential on the social networks.
Plan for the development of the XI series of "Walks in Art"
An important contribution to the tenth cycle is identifying the visitor to festival evenings in artistic surroundings and realising their wider connotations. This is one way of acquainting the public with different levels of art. The musical programme and the musicians are chosen in the light of the location. The viola, as the connecting element each evening, is a fixed part of the festival. This instrument has a rich literature; it is precisely through the "Walks in Art" project that it can be highlighted, the concert space providing interesting and original musical dramaturgy.
The fesstival point up the historical value of the location and incorporates artistic activities to satisfy the requirements of the culturally-minded person of the 21st century, At the same time, different musical genres reflect the location; these include contemporary Czech works associated with the history of the site.